Chip & Pin Sale

1. Select SALE from the transaction menu. 2. Insert / Swipe screen is shown. Insert the card. 3. The card is read and will then proceed to the sale screen. Enter the sale amount and press the green key. 4. Cardholder to enter their PIN code and press the green key. 5. Cardholder is then […]

Completion Transaction

If the final bill is more than 15% higher than the total ‘PreAuthorised’ amount, an additional ‘Top-up’ transaction will be required for the difference which must be obtained prior to the carrying out of the ‘Completion’ transaction. The following procedure will complete a ‘Pre-Authorised’ transaction when the final amount is confirmed with the customer. Completion […]

Account Verification

Account Verification – Swipe Card 1. Press at the ‘Idle Screen’. Select ‘Verify Account’. 2. Swipe the cardholder’s card. 3. The terminal will check the card. 4. Terminal will connect to the host. 5. Terminal will receive a response from the host. 6. If the account is valid this screen is shown. Terminal will print […]

Sample Receipts for Transactions

End of Day Report Not Authorised Receipts  Cancelled Receipts  Waiter Setup Receipts Gratuity (Verified by PIN) Receipts  Gratuity (Verified by Signature) Receipts  Sale (Verified by Signature) Receipts Sale (Verified by PIN) Receipts Refund (Verified by Signature) Receipts Self-Install Receipt   

Duplicate Receipts

Your terminal can produce a duplicate copy of the customer receipt for the last completed transaction. To print a duplicate ticket press the menu key three times, then choose DUPLICATE. All duplicate copies will have the word DUPLICATE printed at the top of the receipt. Note: You can print a duplicate customer copy receipt quickly […]


If a mistake in a transaction is identified immediately after the transaction has been completed, then the transaction can be completely reversed by selecting the Reversal function within 30 seconds of the end of the transaction. This function is particularly useful when the wrong transaction amount has been entered, and the mistake is only noticed […]

Hotel Mode

When a large value transaction is expected (typically in Hotel or Rental environments), a Pre-Authorisation can be made for the expected value, to check the customer’s card is valid and the customer has enough credit available for the transaction. If the expected value increases, then further Pre-Authorisations can be made. The final amount is fully […]

Mailorder Transaction

1. From the idle screen press the green key once and select Mailorder. 2. Select Sale. 3. Key in the customer’s card number and press the green key. 4. Key in the expiry date in MMYY format (1217 for December 2017). 5. Enter three digit code at the back of the card Please note for […]

Desk5000 Customer Not Present – Mailorder Sale

Follow the instructions below to perform a Desk5000 Customer Not Present (CNP) transaction. The CNP transaction is performed when a payment is taken without face to face customer interaction, however, if this is something your business is consistently doing we recommend you use a Virtual Terminal. Your terminal is pre-configured for Mailorder (Customer Not Present) […]

Card Does Not Read

If the terminal does not read the card, follow the steps below: Check that the magnetic card is swiped correctly (with magnetic strip facing the side of the terminal). Swipe the card again with a continuous and fluid movement Verify that the magnetic strip is not damaged, grooved or cracked Make sure you have correctly […]