Transactions Overview

In order to perform a transaction in a quick and efficient manner you may type in the transaction amount from the idle screen on your terminal. This method may be used to start any sale transaction, no matter what the card type is (i.e. contactless cards or cards with, or without a chip). Enter the […]

PSTN Connectivity

Your terminal can be used on a variety of telephone lines, however to use your terminal on some lines you may be required to change the telephone network (PSTN) setting in the terminal. Your terminal is pre-configured so that it may work on a direct telephone connection. If your telephone line requires you to dial […]

Desk3500 Purchase with Cashback (PWCB)

In this article, learn how to complete a Desk3500 Purchase with Cashback, also known as PWCB. This menu option is only used to provide ‘Cashback’ where a normal ‘Sale’ transaction has been performed with a ‘Gratuity’. Selecting this option allows a transaction to be carried out with ‘Cashback’ instead of ‘With Gratuity’. Note: Only certain […]

Move Terminal Transaction Referral Error

If you have a Move Terminal Transaction Referral Error this means every transaction that you take is producing a referral. Find out why below. Mobile terminals require a good mobile network signal in order to operate, so if you are in an area that mobile phones do not operate then the terminal will, also, not […]

Referring a Suspicious Transaction

I would like to refer a transaction before I attempt a transaction on the terminal as I am suspicious? You should contact the authorisation centre and ask for a ‘Code 10 Referral’, this alerts the operator why you are asking for the referral, without arousing suspicion with the customer.

Pin Tries Exceeded

The card has been locked after too many failed PIN entry attempts. It may be possible to perform a PIN Bypass. The customer should contact their card issuer to change their PIN, or if they do know it they can unlock it at any ATM.

Forgotton Supervisor Password

You should first try the default code of 01483, if this is not the code then please contact the terminal Helpdesk who will reset the code back to the default value.

Terminal Displaying Not Ready on Idle Screen

My terminal displays NOT READY on the idle screen, what do I do? Your terminal is not initialised, or has failed an automatic TMS call. Press menu once, and choose the SETUP menu option. You should contact the terminal Helpdesk if the problem persists after a successful TMS Call.

Supervisor Functions

Supervisor Password Default supervisor password is 01483. The Supervisor password is designed to limit access to the Supervisor functions (such as the Supervisor Menus, or Refund transactions) on the terminal to those who have access to the code. Your terminal is shipped with an initial default code of 01483, but is configured so that a […]


The terminal can produce a number of reports to aid banking. End of Day Banking – Reconciliation report with the acquirers X Balance – Transaction total print without a reset Z Balance – Transaction total print with a reset Waiters Totals – Gratuity summary per waiter Note: At the end of each trading day you […]