
Screen Messages

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Below is a list of the messages that you may see on the display of your terminal and/or PINpad. 

COMPLETED The transaction has been completed.
DECLINED The card, card issuer or acquirer has declined to authorise the transaction, you should ask for another means of payment.
TRANSACTION CANCELLED The PINpad is displaying confirmation that you, or the customer, have cancelled the transaction.
PROCESSING ERROR The card was removed too soon and the card read has failed. The customer should re-present the card. They should not remove the card until promoted to do so.
PLEASE WAIT The PINpad is awaiting an action on the terminal or is connecting to the acquirer. The customer should wait and follow subsequent prompts.
INSERT OR SWIPE CUSTOMER CARD The card could not be read (either swiped or inserted). Check the orientate of the card and try again.
REMOVE CARD The card should be removed from the card reader on your PINpad.
APPROVED The transaction has been approved.
REFUSED The contactless transaction has been refused, you should ask for another means of payment.
NOT AUTHORISED The card, card issuer or acquirer has declined to authorised the transaction. You should ask for another means of payment.
TRY AGAIN The card was removed too soon and the card read has failed. The customer should re-present the card. They should not remove the card until prompted to do so.
PLEASE PRESENT ONLY ONE CARD The card was present with another contactless card and the card read has failed. The customer should re-present the card ensuring that it is the only card presented.
INSERT OR SWIPE CARD The card requires a further security check. The transaction must be completed with cardholder verification (PIN entry of Signature as appropriate).
LOADING TPASS PARAMETERS… The PINpad is being updated. This message is displayed during start up, and after your terminal has performed a maintenance call. Please wait a few seconds for the idle screen to be displayed before starting a transaction.
BAD MAC The security password is mismatched between the terminal and the acquirer, please contact the helpdesk.
CALL AUTH CENTRE The transaction has been referred, call the authorisation centre on the number provided on the screen or print on receipt.
BAD READ The inserted card could not be read, check orientation of the card and try again. 
BAD SWIPE The swiped card could not be read, check orientation of the card and try again.
NOT ACCEPTED The card presented is not configured for the selected transaction type, you should ask for another means of payment.
OPERATION NOT ALLOWED The selected operation has been disabled, is not allowed for the card presented, or the card is faulty. You should ask for another means of payment. 
INVALID TRANSACTION The selected transaction type (e.g. Cashback) may not be active on your merchant account. You should contact your acquirer. 
INVALID CARD The card presented is of a type that is not supported, or is damaged and could not be read. You should ask for another means of payment. 
EXPIRED CARD The card presented is expired, you should ask for another means of payment. If the card is in date, check the date and time on the terminal. 
PREVALID CARD The card presented is not yet valid, you should ask for another means of payment. If the card is in date, check the date and time on the terminal. 
SORRY FOR DELAY… RETRYING The terminal is unable to contact the acquirer due to a communications error. The terminal will make three dial attempts; if all three attempts should fail the transaction will be referred. For mobile terminals you should check the mobile network, for Bluetooth terminals you should check the telephone line or LAN; contacting the terminal Helpdesk if the problem persists.
PRESS ENTER TO RETRY, PRESS ENTER TO RETRY, PRESS ENTER TO RETRY The first two dial attempts have failed, resolve the issue (e.g. ensure that the telephone line is not in use) and press enter to continue for the third and final dial attempt. For mobile terminals you should check the mobile network, for Bluetooth terminals you should check the telephone line or LAN; contacting the terminal Helpdesk if the problem persists.
CANNOT CALL HOST CHECK PHONE LINE The terminal is unable to contact the acquirer due to a communications error after three dial attempts. For mobile terminals you should check the mobile network, for Bluetooth terminals you should check the telephone line or LAN; contacting the terminal Helpdesk if the problem persists.
MEMORY XX% FULL DO Z BALANCE The terminal’s memory is becoming full and needs to be cleared. Do a Z Balance to clear the transaction log. Warning will only show when 90% full or more. You should perform the Z Balance at the end of every trading day. If the problem persists after a successful Z Balance, please contact the terminal Helpdesk.