
Example of Transaction Receipts

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Merchant Copy – Signature Transactions

Merchant Copy of Chip & Pin or Swipe Card with Gratuity 

Merchant Copy – PIN Transactions

Merchant Copy Inserted Card with PIN Entry and Gratuity

Merchant Copy – Contactless Transactions

Customer Copy 

Keyed card with signature

Note: For security reasons the full card number is not shown on the customer copy.

Inserted Cards with PIN Entry (Customer Copy)

Note: For security reasons the full card number is not shown on the customer copy.

Contactless Cards (Customer Copy) 

Note: For security reasons the full card number is not shown on the customer copy. Only the merchant copy is printed during a contactless transaction. If the customer requires a receipt then the customer copy can be printed by pressing the F1 key whilst the idle screen is displayed.

Pre-Paid Cards (Customer Copy)

Note: For security reasons the full card number is not shown on the customer copy. The Pre-Paid Card available balance is shown only on the customer copy.

Declined and Void Receipts

If the transaction is declined by the acquirer or by an inserted Chip card, the terminal will print a declined receipt, as shown below. The text printed below the Date and Time is the response from message from the acquirer.

Example Declined Receipt (Customer Copy)

Note: For security reasons the full card number is not shown on the customer copy. If you have had any voided transactions you must perform an End of Day report to ensure that the acquirer receives confirmation that the transaction(s) have been voided.

VOID – If the Result Indication shows VOID then the transaction has been cancelled by the operator.

CANCELLED – If the transaction was cancelled by pressing the cancel key, the message below the date/time will read CANCELLED.

SIGNATURE INVALID – If the transaction was cancelled by the operator selecting NO to the signature check, then the text below the Date and Time will read SIGNATURE INVALID.