Desk 5000 Contactless Sale

Getting your Trinity Audio player ready...

Follow these easy steps to conduct a Desk 5000 Contactless Sale.

1. From the idle screen, enter the amount and press ENTER.

enter payment amount on desk 5000

2. Insert / Swipe / Present screen is shown. Present the contactless card.

desk 5000 terminal is ready to conduct contactless sale, present card

3. Contactless read is successful when all four status lights are lit and confirmation tone is heard.

when four lights are visible on the top of the terminal screen, the terminal has read the contactless card successfully

4. Terminal connects to the acquirer.

terminal is connecting to the acquirer

5. Transaction is approved.

when transaction is approved, approved message will appear on screen

6. Terminal will print the merchant receipt.

desk 5000 will print merchant copy for contactless sale

7. Tear off the merchant receipt, the terminal will return to ready screen.

when merchant receipt has been printed, terminal will return to main menu with ready message displayed

8. If the cardholder requires a receipt, press F1 to print a duplicate.

press f1 in bottom left of screen to reprint merchant copy

You have now completed a Desk 5000 Contactless Sale. For further assistance, please call our help desk below.

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