
Desk3500 Customer Not Present (CNP) Sale

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This transaction type allows you to ‘Key Enter’ the customer’s card details for all the supported transaction types for ‘Customer Not Present’ (CNP) transactions or as a fallback from a failed card read. The following example is for a Desk3500 Customer Not Present ‘Sale’ transaction. However, if this is something your business is consistently doing we recommend you use a Virtual Terminal.

CNP Sale

  1. Press the MENU at the ‘Idle Screen’ to display the ‘Transaction Menu’ and Select ‘CNP’.
transaction menu for conducting customer not present transaction on desk 3500 terminal

2. Scroll through the menu and highlight the required option, then press the green TICK to select it.

customer not present menu to select sale

3. Enter transaction amount then press green TICK. Or press red X to clear all digits or press yellow CLEAR to clear one digit at a time and type in new value. Depending on your configuration, you may be asked to confirm the amount or add a gratuity once green TICK has been pressed.

enter amount for customer not present sale amount

4. Start to type in the card number and the screen will change to:

enter long 16 digit card number on screen then click ok when complete

5. Type in the ‘Expiry Date’ and then press green TICK. Press red X to clear all digits or press yellow CLEAR to clear one digit at a time and type in new value.

enter expiry date of the customer card for customer not present

6. Type in the security code from the back of the cardholder’s card and then press green TICK.

enter three digit security code from back of customer card

7. Type in the numbers from the cardholder’s Post Code e.g. if Post Code is EH25 1KT, you should enter 16 and then press green TICK.

enter the numbers from the postcode into the terminal screen

8. Type in the numbers from the cardholder’s Address e.g. if address is 11 High Street, you should enter 11 and then press green TICK.

enter any numbers from the address or if no numbers just press enter

9. The terminal will contact the ‘Auth Host’ for authorisation.

terminal is now connecting to auth host via network cable

10. The terminal will display the acquirer result. The merchant should press green TICK to accept the transaction or yellow CLEAR to decline it.

payment is successful and auth code is displayed on the screen

11. The terminal will print a customer receipt. Tear off the customer receipt and press green TICK if it is readable or press FEED to reprint the receipt.

customer receipt is printed and option to reprint or continue

12. The terminal will print a merchant receipt. Tear off the merchant receipt and press if it is readable or press to reprint the receipt.

merchant receipt is printed and option to tear off or press enter to complete transaction

Steps 4 – 8 will be repeated for all other transaction types performed as ‘CNP’ from the request to ‘Insert/Swipe/Present’ the cardholder’s card.

You have now completed a Desk3500 Customer Not Present transaction for your Ingenico terminal. To discover more features, visit our Desk 3500 article page.